Announcement Please note: Paxton no longer provide the Net2 API licence to non-commercial integrators*. Only Commercial integrators and our Certified Integration Developers will be able to gain access the Net2 API licence. *Those who are looking to integrate inhouse and not sell their integration for profit.

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Topic Options

At the top of each Topic, there is a link 'Options'. By clicking on this link, a menu will appear with a number of options:

  • Watch this topic - by subscribing to a thread, you will receive periodic email updates on recent activity within it.
  • Print this topic - This will show you a page with the thread post content in a reduced graphics format that is more 'printer friendly'.
  • Atom Feed - This will show the Feed of this Topic with all Post as Feed Items.
  • Rss Feed - This will show the Feed of this Topic with all Post as Feed Items.