Announcement Please note: Paxton no longer provide the Net2 API licence to non-commercial integrators*. Only Commercial integrators and our Certified Integration Developers will be able to gain access the Net2 API licence. *Those who are looking to integrate inhouse and not sell their integration for profit.

YetAnotherForum.NET Help

Editing and Deleting your Posts

If you are currently registered and logged in, you may be able to edit and delete your messages (if the administrator doesn’t turned off this option).

To edit or delete your posts, click the 'Edit' button by the particular post. If your post was the first in the thread, then deleting it may remove the entire thread.

Once you've made your modifications, a note, on the bottom of the post, appear to inform other users that you have edited your post.

Please also enter in The Field 'Reason for edit' a reason why you edited this Message.

Can others edit my posts?

Administrators and moderators may also edit your messages. If they do, a note at the bottom appear telling other users that the post was modified.