Announcement Please note: Paxton no longer provide the Net2 API licence to non-commercial integrators*. Only Commercial integrators and our Certified Integration Developers will be able to gain access the Net2 API licence. *Those who are looking to integrate inhouse and not sell their integration for profit.

YetAnotherForum.NET Help

Signatures, Avatars Pictures

What are Avatars?

Avatars are small images that people use to identify or distinguish themselves to other forum members. These Avatars will be displayed as part of the user info in posts, as well as in the public profile.

You can modify your Avatar by clicking on 'Modify Avatar' under the 'Personal Profile' area of the navigation bar within the User Control Panel.

There are three ways to add an Avatar (Maybe less if deactivated by the Administrator)...

  • If available in the forum you can choose from an existing collection of Avatars
  • Enter an existing URL to an Image on a Remote Server
  • Select an Image from Your Computer and Upload it

Be aware that the Administrator can set the Allowed Image File types, Image Size, and Image Dimensions (Max Width and Height of an Image).

What are signatures?

'Signatures' contain information that you want to include at the bottom of all your posts. This might include pictures, links to your site(s), quotes, etc.

To modify signatures, click on 'Signature' under the 'Personal Profile' area of the navigation bar within the User CP. On this Page you will be Informed which BB Codes and which HTML Tags you can use, and how long the Signature can be.